More bug fixes and decheesing

I have fixed a bug and an unwanted solution, both signaled to me by Karoo (again). The bug was causing the end of a level when you were fainting after seeing an elephant and that allowed the elephant to see a peanut and run toward you. The unwanted solution was an alternative solution to the last level that involved blocking a mirror with a peanut. Since it was an edge case that I overlooked, and this behavior does not make sense to me, and -most importantly- because this solution seems to me less interesting than the intended one, I removed the edge case behavior on which it relied. Yay, no more cheese, it's time to have your dessert!

I must say I'm very thankful to Karoo for the bug reports, and I'm very sorry for the players who suffered from these bugs. Especially Competor (Kuchiwo) who streamed the bugged version of the game.

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Jul 04, 2021

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